Ron StageMaster
Bluetooth: Ron StageMaster PRR (Portable Radio Receiver), a compact and highly portable Bluetooth-compatible load monitoring system capable of monitoring up to 75 individual load cells from the convenience of an iPad or iPhone using the Ron StageMaster App.
Eilon Classic: High accuracy low headroom load cell Designed for quick installation and versatile use.
Bluetooth compatibility with iPhones / iPads (no WiFi required).
Extremely short response time, monitors up to 200 load cells per second.
0.1% accuracy. Continuous Load Monitoring 24/7/365. Unbeatable Battery Life up to 5,000 hours. Extreme Range up to several km/miles. (optional) 200 Load Cells per Monitoring Station. Proven Wireless Technology since 1976. Integration of wireless and wired systems. Fatigue rated load cells.
Shackle Pin: Extremely low headroom and quick installation
Bluetooth compatibility with iPhones / iPads (no WiFi required).
Extremely short response time, monitors up to 200 load cells per second
Continuous Load Monitoring 24/7/365. Unbeatable Battery Life up to 5,000 hours
Ron StageMaster 5000 Wired Wired load monitoring system with single cable. Fatigue rated - ideal for permanent or long term installations
Extremely short response time, monitors up to 200 load cells per second.
0.1% accuracy. Continuous Load Monitoring 24/7/365. Unbeatable Battery Life up to 5,000 hours